
Obama e evreu! Şi negru!

Obama evreuUite:

Quite a few of Barack Obama’s “friends from the past” have popped up recently. It’s doubtful whether he even knows their names, but in the Chicago Jewish community many people really are long-time friends of the president-elect. Some of the older people in the community say that they “raised him,” while others half-jokingly call Obama “the first Jewish president.”

They raised contributions for him, provided him with contacts, and also enjoyed hosting him and believed in his glorious future in politics. During most of the campaign, when rumors were spreading among American Jews that Obama was a closet Muslim who was more supportive of the Palestinians and was interested in granting the president of Iran legitimacy, his support among American Jews did not even come close to that enjoyed by Bill Clinton. But at the moment of truth, according to the exit polls, it turns out that 78 percent of Jews voted for Obama.

Members of the Chicago Jewish community are not surprised. They claim that the Jews simply discovered what they have known for years. Obama lives near the synagogue in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago, an area with quite a large Jewish population. Some of area visitors may even mistake the heavy security presence on the street for the synagogue’s location – that is, until they hear about Obama.

Cu ocazia asta astazi, in timp ce pregateam carbunii pentru o narghilea, am ars 5 de centi si apoi i-am aruncat in Cola.

Daca tot e presedintele negru, sa fie si centul negru, nu? Acuma am 5 centi negri si stralucitori (de la insertia in Cola).

Si evreu, si negru, si cel mai puternic om de pe planeta. Asta e un fel de mesaj, sau ce?

Ah… si mai multe aici.

Dă mai departe dacă ți-a plăcut și abonează-te prin e-mail dacă vrei să fii la curent cu tot ce scriu pe viitor:

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5 comentarii

  • Reply
    06/02/2009 at 18:57

    So far we have:
    Rahm Emanuel – Chief of staff – Jewish
    David Axelrod – Senior Advisor to the President – Jewish
    Ronald Klain – Chief of staff to the Vice President of the U.S.A. – Jewish
    Larry Summers – Economic Advisor to the President – Jewish

    Paul Volcker – Economic Advi sor to the President, former head of Fed.
    Reserve – Jewish
    Tim Geithner – Treasury Secretary – Jewish
    Peter Orszag – Head of Budget – Jewish


  • Reply
    09/02/2009 at 14:13

    Presa daca vrea poate sa zica si ca Obama e alb. De fapt au existat si poze :D

  • Reply
    05/05/2009 at 16:01

    nui frate evreu…ce…dak are kippa in cap e eveu ?
    e musulman obama :-L

    • Reply
      28/07/2015 at 02:29

      nu stii destul de multe despre religii .Musulmani cand si-au facut religia au luat cateva chesti de la evrei :stilul de barba,kippa,circumcizia ,(fanatismul=]])

  • Reply
    10/12/2009 at 05:12

    gushteritza esti cam proasta….
    ce cauta atunci la zidul plangerii? hmm..?

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